Nether Pixel Studios is a limited company based in the UK. We represent over thirty amazing Minecraft creators, who have all been featured on the official Xbox Gamehub. We are backed by the Xbox club 'Minecraft Servers' with its one hundred and ninety thousand members, with three of its core admins as Nether Pixel partners.
With hundreds of worlds, decades of incredible work, hundreds of thousands of Minecraft members, we are the hub of the Xbox community, and we aim to bring their work to the Xbox Live Market place by partnering with Microsoft.
We will vet, quality control, and seek out new content for the market place, providing an avenue for amazing individuals to sell their creations.
We aim to run as cheaply as possible with a small percentage taken from submitted builds to cover our costs, and passing the revenue directly to the content creators who pass our stringent quality assurance process.
This is a game we love, the Xbox community has many incredible builders who we have united to finally prove you don't need a PC to create and sell fantastic content.